About four months ago, my family and I went on vacation. During one of our activities, I fell and hurt my knee. One month later the pain just kept getting worse. I went to the doctor, and they put me on crutches until I saw an orthopedist. After I went to the orthopedist, they said I could not do anything weight bearing.
During the time on crutches and the restrictions with what I could do, I had a rough time. Some days I felt depressed. I could not do the things I wanted. I could not see God in my pain, both physical and emotional. I felt like I was left out of things. I love horses and there were times the other kids were riding, and I was not allowed to because of my knee. Every time someone got to do something I wanted to do but I could not, it was like nobody cared for me. I felt very lonely through that time. It was hard to keep a positive attitude when I couldn’t see the end of the pain.
Why is God doing this to me? What is God’s plan for me through this? How do I be happy for others when I am having a tough time, or how can I be happy for someone when I cannot do what they are doing? I would ask those questions to myself a thousand times.
I knew God could heal me, but I didn’t know why He hadn’t healed me. God didn’t heal me till He was done with me and my situation. God is the one who got me through it. When I would focus on my pain, it would be worse. However, when I would focus on helping others, I was in a different mindset. Trusting in God and putting my faith in Him helped me not feel like I was alone. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
This experience has helped me to learn to be grateful in everything and look for God in my day-to-day life. Finding God in everything will bring you peace. Trust me, it helped me more than anything. Sometimes I just wanted to cry, and I did. Listening to worship music really helped me. And just praying to God constantly and reading the Bible helped also. The Bible says God has a plan for you in everything. God is in everything you go through, and He has a purpose for it.
Through this all, I also learned how to endure. I learned God is always there. He is there to pick you up when you fall. When you feel like your life is falling apart, God will be there to pick up the pieces. God will give you no more than you can bare. In this hardship, I built a deeper relationship with God. To me, having faith is trusting in God, even when I don’t know what the outcome will be. Some days my faith in Him was barely there, but my suffering brought me closer to God. In just six weeks after my injury, I decided to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior. I choose now to follow Him and become His disciple.
I believe God puts you through these situations like mine to test and teach you. God is going to test you. He tests to see if you will have faith in Him even in the hardest times. He teaches you that He will never leave you. He will always be present with you. You will and can get through every situation with God.
Always remember God is never going to leave you. God will always care for you. God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). No matter what you are going through God will be there to go through it with you. Always trust God even in the bad or hard times. Mathew 28:20 says, “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
– Kerah
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