6.4 Bibles are sold every 10 seconds.

We all “know” Jesus, because the Bible is the most purchased book in the world for the last few centuries.  It became the best-selling book in the world in 1522 – September 21, 1522 to be exact.  So far it has sold between 5 to 7 billion copies.  In America, almost 9 out of 10 (88%) people own a Bible.  As a matter of fact, most have 4.4 Bibles each.  The sad thing is that, on average, only 13% read their Bible daily, and 57% only read it 4 times a year.  Surprisingly 59% of people who identify as atheist or have no faith also own a Bible.

It seems to be the most recognizable piece of literature; it is recognized, BUT not believed.  The mindset of having a Bible is like having a life vest.  I remember a story that a man told me about his friend who owned a fishing boat in Galveston Bay. When it came time for the fisherman to retire, he sold his boat to a young man.  He made three requests to the young fisherman: repaint the boat, rename the boat, and let him take the boat out for one last trip.

On his last trip out, the old man sailed into the bay until he could no longer see land. He took the life ring from the front of the cabin, where it was kept for emergencies.  The name of the little vessel was visible on the life ring.   He stared at it one last time remembering all of their trips together.  He tossed the life ring into the water and said, “Float forever.  You were my salvation from drowning.”  When the life ring fell into the water, it immediately sank out of sight.  The old man, startled and shocked, said to himself, “For 50 years, I have trusted that life ring to save me, but I would have drowned.  What a fool I am.”

When we trust having a Bible and not knowing the truth in the Bible, we are like the old fisherman.  It can only save us when we know, believe, AND follow the person, Jesus Christ, that is spoken of in the Scriptures.  Jesus says no one comes to the father except through Him (John 14:6; John 6:65). He is everything that constitutes life: peace, happiness, and eternal life.  Jesus is life.

Do not let the Bible lie closed.  At the least, open it to John 3:16 and read it.  Those words can save you . . . if you believe.  There is coming a time for all of us to die, young or old.  I pray that you soon realize that a closed Bible is no different than the old fisherman’s life ring.  Simply trusting in having one when you reach the pearly gates of eternity will not save you.

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
– Psalm 119:105

— Written by Pa

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