I remember growing up in the 60s, and every night we watched the 6 o’clock news, and there was only one news broadcaster: Walter Cronkite. He was the man.  When he reported the news, you knew it was the truth, the only truth, so help you God.  No one would have ever doubted what he said.  He spoke with authority and conviction.  For someone to even suggest he lied or did not represent the actual events would have been treason, hang the slander high.

The question is how long will it take an empire, one founded on Biblical principles, to collapse to the point of chaos?  I really do not know.  Maybe the day Kennedy was assassinated and the government started lying to us?  I understand the powers that be.  The government has to keep secrets for national security, but ‘we the people’ are not the enemy.  We, and the beliefs we’re willing to die for, make the moral backbone of the country.  I look back 60 years and cannot imagine how we have deteriorated to this point.

The Bible says that truth is thrown into the streets (Isaiah 59:14).  It says in Romans that they will believe a lie and will be dammed (Romans 3:4).  I always thought this verse meant philosophical arguments or not believing in Jesus as the Messiah.  But here we are in 2024, and some believe that men can have babies, or that if you wanted to identify as a squirrel, you should be recognized as a squirrel by others.  And others believe that if I want to be identified as a disciple of Jesus, I must be insane.  Truly up is now down, and down is sideways.  There is no reality, because everything is subject to existentialism.  Nothing is as it seems.  That means everybody does what is right in his own eyes (2 Thessalonians 2:12).

Maybe all this is good for us.  I never had to think, or dare question, when Walter Cronkite said something.  I just believed it.  Now it is dangerous not to question everything, with one exception: the Word of God, the sayings of Christ, the Bible.  That is the only solid rock of truth that exists.   We must, as sane individuals, keep hold of something that will outlast us, something that will not change, something that is immutable: Jesus the Christ, the only son of God.  He is our rock that cannot be moved by social engineering, moral salutations, or by mental insanity.  He is the cornerstone, the foundation of our existence.  He is the only hope for this crazy world.  Could we see the DEI movement spelled DIEing?  Paul the apostle said, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).  Christ goes beyond this temporal existence.

We need to have trust in someone or something, or we go mad.  Trust the Word of God.  Trust the ever-present Christ.  I promise, He will never fail, never leave you, never forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).  As Satan grows in power and enlists many thousands into His army of darkness, find a hill to stand on and lift up the light of truth – Jesus – and let it shine (Matthew 5:14). Darkness cannot tolerate light or defeat it.  Cronkite always signed off with, “That’s the way it is.”  I sign off with, “Jesus is the way.”

– Pa

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