I like to turn to Psalm 100 in the morning. It is a true comfort to read, “For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endureth to all generations.” That is like a calming wave of warmth that floods over me.
So we are in a real mess, a no-good end in sight situation, and a pretty bad spot. Will it be war, starvation, homelessness, lack of basic necessities for the whole world or just me and you? STOP. Just stop, relax, and take a breath. Repeat the words again, “For the Lord is good.”
What is going to happen worldwide, or just to you and me, is already known by God. He knows all tomorrows better than we know yesterdays. He has carefully calculated what is going to happen, and He has made arrangements for all of His children . . . and their children. Tomorrow will be no different than today. He is here NOW giving purpose in life and death, war and peace.
Paul learned to accept all things as God’s purpose abating or abounding, in want and in plenty. Even with the thorn in Paul’s flesh, he could say, God’s “grace is sufficient” (2 Corinthians 12:9). He is saying that to us. All the circumstances and desires of men are evil and, for us, just thorns in our flesh. And again, Jesus says that His grace is sufficient for you and your children.
The Word says that when a prudent man sees danger coming, he hides himself (Proverbs 27:12). We do not need to run, but to hide. The first place to hide is under the shadow of His wings. His right hand of power is not so short that He cannot protect us. So be quiet, stop, and listen. Listen for His spirit to guide you. He used the mulberry trees to signal David in battle (2 Samuel 5:23-25). He used a single cloud, like a man’s hand, as a sign to Elijah that the drought and famine had passed (1 Kings 18:41-45). And as David knew, we know that God is all powerful, and He doesn’t mind taking us through the valley of the shadow of death instead of around it.
Trust that His truth endures to all generations. His truth will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5), and NEVER means never: democrat or republican, Russian or Ukrainian, recession and inflation. His love endures all of it. I may never see or meet you here in this life, but as God has promised, we shall all eat together at His banquet table with all those that love Jesus with all of their hearts.
Look up and remember this thought that my wife saw on a t-shirt the other day, “Normal is not coming back. Jesus is.” Family to family and tribe to tribe, I love you. Pray for me as I pray for you as fellow sons and daughters of God.
— Written by Pa