“And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you.”
– Matthew 28:5-7
Well, it’s the second most attended church holiday next to Christmas: Easter. Some people call it Passover and think they are one in the same. Oh, but that is incorrect. Easter is the worship of the goddess Ishtar, the Greek goddess of sex, fertility, and perversion. Passover, the feast Jesus celebrated with His disciples, dates back to the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt and Pharoah’s bondage. The wonderful thing is that we have the opportunity through, Jesus Christ, to be freed from the slavery of sin, death, and hell. Through salvation, we’ve been spared the blows of the death angel.
For those that do celebrate Passover, it is a real event, a symbolism of death and life. Without the resurrection of Jesus, His life would not make Him the Messiah; it wouldn’t give us life either, because that resurrection was the key and cornerstone of everything that He came to do. Some people carry a cross as a symbol of Jesus’ death on the cross, but I like a simple stone as a symbol of Jesus’ victory over death.
Death says, “We got You now.”
Hell says, “You just thought You could escape our claws. Sorry Jesus. The sins of the world were too heavy, too great a weight to bear even for the Son of God.”
Death says, “You could not break Satan’s hold on mankind. You wasted Your blood for nothing.”
Suddenly the lifeless body of Jesus moves. His eyes open. He sits upright, and says, “Get these chains off me. I need to go see my Father.”
Death and Hell quiver and obey, “Yes, Jesus, Master,” as they bow before Him.
Jesus rises from the tomb as the stone is rolled away. He neatly folds the napkin that covers His face. He then turns to Death and Hell and says, “Tell Satan his days are numbered.”
I’ve read that there have been 27 people, men and women, including Jesus of Nazareth, that proclaimed to be “The” Messiah since Jesus has lived on earth. Of the 27, how many:
- had a virgin birth? only one
- healed thousands of people? only one
- stopped a raging storm? only one
- raised people from the dead? only one
- were crucified on a cross? only one
- fulfilled all Biblical prophecy about the Messiah? only one
- rose from the dead? only one
Jesus is the only Messiah, the only Son of God, the only Savior of the World. Case Closed.
So when you think about it, and you think about all the people that want to say, “Hey, I am.” Remember that Jesus said, “If you come to me, I will show you the Father. I will give you life, and it will be everlasting.” (John 14:6; Romans 6:23; John 3:16)
Have a wonderful Passover and a glorious resurrection experience the rest of your life.
God bless you!
— Written by Pa
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