Do you ever just step back and ask yourself, “What in the world is going on?” There is an old expression I remember my mother saying, “What is the world coming to?” I am glad she has passed and is now with the Lord. I believe she would be a basket case with all the anger and violence going on.
What seems strange to me is there are no clear-cut answers. It seems both sides have issues with legitimate points to make. I do not always agree with the way they try to make their point, though. But then, they’re not asking my opinion. When I try to guess the future – and guessing is all any of us can do – my guesses only create more fear and anxiety for me.
I see tons of drama but little purpose that will bring us together. The only source of real peace is Jesus. I believe he has the answers to all of our problems. That probably sounds religious, but for me it is personal. I have been in many difficult situations, and I have faced death several times. Sometimes just trying to find a way to live is harder than dying.
In those times, and especially now, I just keep my personal verses of comfort in the front part of my mind, because I have to quote them often. Mine are simple, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” from the beginning of Psalm 23. “Jesus loves me, this I know,” and “[Jesus] will never leave nor forsake me” in Hebrews 13. And from Romans 8:28, “All things work together for good to them that love God.” And another excerpt from Psalm 23, “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.”
When I say them to myself, out loud, peace comes to me, and I feel his presence and comfort. Friends, we are not in this alone. We will never be forsaken by Jesus. If you want to use my verses, or you can get your own. I am positive Jesus will come into your mind and give you hope, peace, and even joy.
We are all like little children that sometimes get afraid of the unknown. Just close your eyes, and imagine your heavenly father (Daddy) standing right beside you. Reach up and put your hand inside his hand. His loving smile will flood you with peace.
God bless you, and pray for us. Let us know how we can pray for you.
I sincerely hope this helps,