My baby girl, oldest grandchild, and namesake just turned 18 – Michaela Sarai. Michaela is from my name, and Sarai is from Nana’s name (Sarah). Wow, when she was born, I was sure that I did not know how to be a grandparent. I did not have one. From the moment she was placed in my arms, I was attached. I fell in love with that little bald-headed girl; I now look like she looked then. From the start, and for six years, she was the only grandchild – the princess and the center of our world.
She has never, in 18 years, disappointed her Nana or me. Not because she is in contention for valedictorian and has a list of accomplishments a mile long including Best Actor in One Act Play for two years in a row & state champion and national contender in extemporaneous speech for Business Professionals of America. The little thing was first cast in a Christmas play when she was eighteen months old (no speaking parts). She has acted every year since.
Those things are wonderful, but what excites me the most is that she is a true disciple of Jesus, born again, baptized, and sets her life apart to serve Him. Don’t get me wrong; she is witty, strong-willed, and fiery. She can debate with the best of them. I have always been fearful for her growing up in an evil world. I did not know if tribulations would come before she was very old. I felt I always needed to help her parents protect her. I promised her to dance with her at her wedding and always hoped that would be a hundred years from now. When I had open heart surgery, I was really scared that I could not keep that promise . . . so was she. I asked one of my youngest sons to be my fill-in if I was not there. I told her God promised me I would be there for the celebration but maybe not in the flesh. When I get tired of living, fighting the fight, and trying to keep the faith, I remember that promise. I now have five other grandchildren to live for: Rebekah, Ben, Eli, Sam, and Kerah. When we look forward at crisis and possible chaos, I really get concerned about all of them as well as my three sons, three daughter-in-loves and their mother, and our adopted family: Dan, Jill, Joseph, and Erin. So that adds two more grandchildren – our whole tribe. Most of all, my wonderful and loving wife, Sarah.
Without Jesus here – present, in love and power – I would be so scared that I would die from fear. You must prepare yourself for what is coming. Please. Jesus said when a wise man sees danger coming, he prepares to hide from the danger. If not for yourself, prepare for your family and Christian brothers and sisters. I have faith Jesus will help and protect us if we act to prepare (works). I am praying about a Facebook group that will help you and your family make wise choices about the future, if you are interested – nothing to sell, simple (no frills), down to earth, proven advice . . . but I digress.
What can you do in the midst of any fear to not be anxious? There are four things that I say to myself every day and often many times in a day.
- I will fear only what God fears. (nothing)
- I will fear only those who God fears. (no one)
- I will control what God cannot control. (nothing)
- If I take care of God’s ministry, God will take care of me
Say them, think about them. Let the God of comfort send the Holy Spirit to give you love, joy, and peace.
(Sorry for being long-winded)
Love you,
God is our sanctuary.