Black Bean Salsa

Print This is a refreshing summer side that we usually serve with corn chips.  When making it this year, it seemed especially delightful, because we had grown the corn, tomatoes, onions, and jalapeno in our small garden.  We tried to.....

Churro Cookies

Print Yes, another cookie recipe with cinnamon and sugar. Can you tell we like this combination?  This recipe has the cakelike texture and enormous size of a Crumbl cookie topped with the perfect amount of an ever so light cinnamon.....

Around the Supper Table #148 – Wake up or WOKE Up

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.  He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.” -Psalm.....

Southern Hoe Cakes

Print Hoe cakes, or if you’re from the North, Johnny Cakes, are a great alternative to making bread.  They may have started with tradition to use local ingredients, but they’ve stayed in the modern cooking world, because they are simple.....

Wienerschnitzel Chili

Print Most people in our family know that if they go to Wienerschnitzel, they need to get a couple of hot dogs for Pa and at least a pint of chili.  Pa loves most any chili recipe, but this may.....

Western Burger

Print This recipe is made using a delicious, warm sandwich spread wrapped in homemade bread.  Yum, right?  It is often used in our surrounding communities and a common item when someone makes a community or church cookbook, because so many.....

Cheesy American Enchiladas

Print These enchiladas are so gringo that we don’t even know if we can call them Tex-Mex, but they are so yummy.  Aunt Alisa enjoyed this enchilada recipe growing up and has continued to make it for her girls.  As.....

Caramel Apple Glaze

Print This glaze was created as an experiment when Aunt Alisa made apple fritters one time.  After cooking the apples, Nana couldn’t bear to see the apple juice thrown away.  The glaze turned out delicious and beautiful, so we wrote.....

Apple Fritters

Print Nana enjoyed making corn and jalapeno fritters, and she would change the “mix-ins” when she wanted a sweet fritter.  Now that the apple harvest is in for the year, she and Aunt Alisa wanted to try a new sweet.....

Apple Pie

Print We harvested enough apples this year to can more apple slices and make applesauce for the first time.  Nana has made apple pies for years, but of course, it tastes so much better when you know how much blood,.....