Recently we reminisced about all the Christmas memories we had in common.  We wanted to share some of those memories with y’all.  Maybe it will spur your family to recall some of your favorite, or at least most memorable, family traditions as well.  We pray for a merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.


  1. Not only were all the children expected to participate in the church Christmas play each year, but we were also asked to scour our family’s closets for as many bathrobes as we could find to serve as costumes.
  2. Some part of this Christmas play involved each person holding a letter to spell out C-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s: ‘C’ is for the Christ child that came, ‘H’ is for . . .
  3. Stockings were filled with AN apple and AN orange, pecans (or some other unrecognizable whole nut), and hard ribbon candy.
  4. There was nothing that could deflate a room like your cheesy middle-aged dad pretending to be Santa when all you wanted to do was open the gifts already.
  5. No party or gathering was complete without hot spiced tea, wassail, apple cider, or the like.
  6. Not to miss out on all the fun, the men at church often decided (or were voluntold) to exchange Christmas ties that they’d never look at again.
  7. There was always at least one little ol’ lady handing out very small candy canes to each saucer-eyed child that was willing to get a hug and pinched cheeks.
  8. No matter what, you always got underwear and socks each year. Despite the expected disappointment, you were supposed to be thrilled about restocking your drawers.
  9. The amazing pinnacle of celebration was the Christmas meal complete with a ham, chicken and dressing with giblet gravy, cranberries, potato salad, some kind of fruit salad with Jell-O, dinner rolls, and of course pecan pie and cake . . . cut into tiny pieces so that everyone could enjoy.
  10. This one is left open for you to complete with your family. Merry Christmas from our family to yours.