Our Blog

Around the Supper Table


We gather around our supper table daily to share with family. Not only do we enjoy the hugs and laughter, but it gives us an opportunity to share our journey with each other so that we can strengthen and encourage one another.

We have created this blog in hopes that our struggles, and sometimes revelations, can help you. We know that life can be difficult, but it is only through Him that we “live, and move, and have our being . . .” as stated in Acts 17:28. He hasn’t taken our struggle from us, but He has given us purpose in our struggles that we may help each other. We appreciate feedback and prayer requests.

In Matthew 11:28-30 it reminds us to, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Around the Supper Table #57 – Cast Your Cares on Him

I have spent many hours trying to understand why people avoid or deny bad things that are happening.  I know they are intelligent and very capable people.  It is not a matter of ignorance.  It is pure denial, fear, and…..

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Pesto Butter

Print One day we were all buzzing around the kitchen making fresh pesto and shucking corn from the garden, and someone said, "Hey, why not put pesto in the butter for the corn?"  Nana experimented a bit and came up..... Read More

Country Peppers

Country Bell Peppers
Print The first time Nana had this recipe, it was a gift from a friend.  She quickly got the recipe and has used it for many years.  She uses it to stuff yellow squash as well as bell peppers.  She..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #56 – Live in the Moment

Old Fender and Headlight

“Take a picture, so you don’t forget!” “Make sure you write it down.” “Ooh, get a keepsake, so you’ll remember this time forever.”  If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a million times.  I’ve gathered artifacts, pictures, or just…..

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Around the Supper Table #55 – Change Isn’t Easy


Change!  Why?  How?  Neeevveeeeer!   Those are the first thoughts that come to me when I hear that six-letter word.  I have always known that I am a creature of habit.  I have spent my adult life creating normalcy, consistency, structure,…..

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Yeast Biscuits

Yeast Biscuits
Print Nana found this delightful recipe in a community cookbook and uses it for breakfast and dinner meals since it is not a traditional biscuit.  Not that Nana can’t make wonderful biscuits, but if she is doing this recipe, or..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #54 – Sojourner


Dear Fellow Sojourner, I start that way, because all I trust about you is that you are a seeker of truth.  I wish I could sit across from you and hear your life story, laugh at your humorous experiences, and…..

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Corn and Okra Maque Choux

Corn and Okra Maque Choux
This recipe was discovered in a magazine several years ago when our garden produced an abundance of okra.  The family liked it so well that it has become a traditional side dish.  The word Maque Choux comes from Cajun cuisine meaning..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #53 – Barking up the Broken Tree

The other day, I had the privilege of working with Bekah in the garden. We were weeding the blackberries and picking the first few ripe berries. Bekah said, “I hope we have a good crop, because I like fruit waaay..... Read More

Nana’s Marinara

We grow our herbs in half barrels, and they have definitely been prolific this year.  In order to use some of them, Nana experimented with a new way to make fresh marinara.  It is not like the recipe she usually..... Read More