Our Blog

Around the Supper Table


We gather around our supper table daily to share with family. Not only do we enjoy the hugs and laughter, but it gives us an opportunity to share our journey with each other so that we can strengthen and encourage one another.

We have created this blog in hopes that our struggles, and sometimes revelations, can help you. We know that life can be difficult, but it is only through Him that we “live, and move, and have our being . . .” as stated in Acts 17:28. He hasn’t taken our struggle from us, but He has given us purpose in our struggles that we may help each other. We appreciate feedback and prayer requests.

In Matthew 11:28-30 it reminds us to, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Around the Supper Table #157 Evolving or Devolving; Progressing or Regressing

Well, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that we are devolving, going away from the high standards our forefathers set.  I believe we are all slipping into the belief that our children, the next generation should have it..... Read More

Black Bean Salsa

Print This is a refreshing summer side that we usually serve with corn chips.  When making it this year, it seemed especially delightful, because we had grown the corn, tomatoes, onions, and jalapeno in our small garden.  We tried to..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #156 – The Black Shirt

This week, we are excited to feature a supporter and our first guest writer, Debbie McLeod. We appreciate you sharing your experience so that others may be encouraged. ____________ This story is about how God uses us without us realizing..... Read More

Apple Cinnamon Bundt Cake

Print We like our pound cakes, especially when we are able to add an ingredient we grow ourselves.  We’ve enjoyed making our accidental applesauce, apple fritters, apple pie filling, and then of course apple pie with our apples, so now..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #155 – Kicking and Screaming: Radical Dependence

If you think being a Christian won't have struggles, trials, and persecution, you are as they say ‘in the wrong profession.’  Jesus says in John 15:20, “If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” Despite knowing this, a..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #154 – Kicking and Screaming: His Truth, Not Ours

What is control?  In a simple way, control is our attempt to try and get what we want from the circumstances around us. It is an attempt to remove anything negative or uncomfortable from the situations we are in. People..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #153 – Kicking and Screaming: Letting go of our Control

It is a simple question.  Where does your strength come from?  From the day we are born into this world, we start to adapt to the stresses and challenges around us.  I remember when my boys were born. Although both..... Read More

Homemade Ice Cream

Print In this Texas heat, ice cream always sounds good, especially when you know that it’s homemade or served with brownies or apple pie.  This recipe is another one that has been passed to the third generation and enjoyed when we..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #152 – Who Does America Belong To?

America belongs to Americans.  Who are Americans?  First, who they are not.  They do not represent a single race, or an educational level of achievement, nor a social class.  They are identified by morals – simple, collective morals like doing..... Read More

Mexican Rice

Print As you can tell from many of our previous recipes, we’re influenced by our community culture and that has been influenced by our geographic location.  This is one of those recipes.  It is a common side on many dishes..... Read More