Our Blog

Around the Supper Table


We gather around our supper table daily to share with family. Not only do we enjoy the hugs and laughter, but it gives us an opportunity to share our journey with each other so that we can strengthen and encourage one another.

We have created this blog in hopes that our struggles, and sometimes revelations, can help you. We know that life can be difficult, but it is only through Him that we “live, and move, and have our being . . .” as stated in Acts 17:28. He hasn’t taken our struggle from us, but He has given us purpose in our struggles that we may help each other. We appreciate feedback and prayer requests.

In Matthew 11:28-30 it reminds us to, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Around the Supper Table #137 – Overcoming Your Past with Christ

As I sit here right now, unable to sleep with my mind running in circles about the events that unfolded earlier tonight, a thought has come to me that I would like to share.  So, for a little background about..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #136 – Watchman on the Wall

I must confess that I am a watchman, a seer.  People would say that I am like a prophet.  I think prophets speak what they hear from messengers, angels, or straight from God.  Like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Samuel, I just..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #135 – Baby of the Family

In church we talk a lot about how our flesh man is always at war with the spiritual man. Oftentimes Satan uses the flesh part of us to distract us from our relationship with Jesus and our mission in the..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #134 – “Kid” Like Faith

A couple of weeks ago, my mom, Kerah, Bekah, and I were heading back to the house from the barn. On our way there, Kerah spotted a lone baby goat who had wandered away from its mother and the rest..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #133 – Enough is Enough

“Now, enough is enough!”  How many times have you heard this phrase?  When I was a kid, my brother and I would hear this all the time.  It was usually at the dinner table, and we were horsing around.  Mom..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #132 – Complete Remodel

God is everything, or He is nothing. Everything that I have comes from God. Focus on others instead of myself.   As I have previously shared, I am a control freak. I know it, my wife knows it, and my..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #131 – In Our Pain

Most of my blogs have been written in the past tense.  I’ve written them after I’ve overcome, but today is different.  Pa helped me to learn a new perspective today.  I’ve suffered from migraines for about 20 years, and about..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #130 – Your Habits Define Who You Are

First off, Happy New Year from Sanctuary Family Farms. It is hard to believe that it is 2023.  When I was a kid, I never thought that I would make it to 2023. Honestly, as an adult, I never thought..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #129 – Top 10 Christmas Traditions

Recently we reminisced about all the Christmas memories we had in common.  We wanted to share some of those memories with y’all.  Maybe it will spur your family to recall some of your favorite, or at least most memorable, family..... Read More

Around the Supper Table #128 – Merry Christ-‘Musts’

I have prayed for Jesus and the Spirit to please speak through me for this blog.  I am split between two thoughts today about Christmas.  We here at Sanctuary Family Farms are blessed beyond measure.  The work is very busy..... Read More